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Who benefits from an onboarding programme?

An onboarding programme is not just a formalised induction process for new employees, but a comprehensive tool that has a far-reaching impact on various stakeholders inside and outside the company. In this blog post, we will look in detail at which stakeholders benefit from an onboarding programme and how it helps to improve the employer-employee relationship, strengthen employee retention and increase customer satisfaction.

1. The company itself:
An effective onboarding programme helps new employees to become productive more quickly. It ensures a smooth integration into the company and communicates the corporate culture, values and expectations. This leads to higher employee satisfaction and retention, which in turn reduces staff turnover and promotes the long-term stability of the organisation.

2. Employees, including new employees:
Of course, the employees themselves also benefit from a well-structured onboarding programme. They receive clear instructions, training and support to help them succeed in their new role. This increases their self-confidence, contributes to a positive working environment and promotes their professional development.

3. Customers:
A successful onboarding programme has a positive impact on customers. By preparing new employees well for their tasks, they can offer a better service and process customer enquiries more efficiently. This leads to an overall increase in customer satisfaction and loyalty.

4. Suppliers and partners:
Suppliers and partners can also benefit from an effective onboarding programme. Well-trained employees are able to communicate more efficiently with suppliers and partners and make business relationships more successful. This can lead to better collaboration and partnerships.

5. Stand builders and hostesses/hosts:
For companies operating in the exhibitions and events sector, an onboarding programme for stand builders and hostesses/hosts can be crucial. It ensures that these employees understand the specific requirements and standards of the organisation and can perform effectively in their role.

6. Tools and technologies:

A successful onboarding programme can be supported by a variety of tools and technologies. These include didactics, flipcards, language memos, digital teachers, videos, learning checks and glossaries. In addition, artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used to provide personalised training and support. AI-driven chatbots, for example, can answer frequently asked questions and provide information.

In summary, a well-planned and implemented onboarding programme offers far-reaching benefits for companies and their stakeholders. It strengthens employee loyalty, improves customer relations, promotes cooperation with suppliers and partners and enables a smooth start for new employees. Therefore, an onboarding programme is not just a cost factor, but an investment in the long-term sustainability and success of a company.

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